Atelier Online is an RPG based on the famous series of video games released in Japan from 1997 onward. This time, you’ll enroll in a prestigious school of alchemy and try to create new magical elements. To do so, create a character, mingle with the other students, and beat challenges.
One of the best features of Atelier Online is its graphics, which immerse you in a 3D universe packed with places and people that fans of the series will quickly recognize. The game begins with a tutorial to help you get familiar with the controls, although you simply tap anywhere on the screen to move your character and search for items to use in recipes.
Of course, there are loads of enemies to battle in Atelier Online. The enemies are trying to infect every inch of the map with negative energy, and you'll have to use the skills you learn along the way to win every one of the automatic battles. In each battle, all the attacks your apprentice alchemists can use are shown on the screen.
Enroll in the famous alchemy academy and go on thrilling adventures with a custom character in the game Atelier Online. Check it out, find all kinds of elements, then follow your professor’s instructions to create each potion. On top of all that, as you gain experience you can unlock new skills and outfits that make your character even more powerful.